Champs for Autism is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the lives of children with Autism. It is our goal to open the first private school in the Bronx geared towards working class parents. At this time there are no private schools for children with Autism in the Bronx, and the schools in the surrounding boroughs are over 80k a year, leaving it extremely hard for the average working class parent to be able to afford a quality private school education for their child.
The Bronx has the highest rate of school age children with disabilities leading the other boroughs by 5 %, but they have the lowest rate of services for the children. Thousands of children in the Bronx wait an average of 6-8 months for services, and sometimes are left without services because the school is unable to hire necessary service providers.
Champs for Autism knows that this needs to change. They feel that every parent should have the option to a quality affordable education, and it should not be taken away from them just because they have a child on the spectrum. Our school, will be the first affordable school for children with Autism giving parents more educational options for their child.